Tag Archives: APPS

Shortcut Keys in Oracle EBS Forms

Function Shortcut Key
Show Shortcut Keys Ctrl + K
Enter Query F11
Execute Query Ctrl + F11
Count Query F12
Clear Block F7
Clear Field F5
Clear Form F8
Clear Record F6
Edit Ctrl + E
Update Record Ctrl + U
Insert Record Ctrl + Down
Delete Record Ctrl + Up
Commit Ctrl + S
Duplicate Field Shift + F5
Duplicate Record Shift + F6
List of values Ctrl + L
List Tab Pages F2
Next Field Tab
Next Record Down Arrow Key
Next Primary Key Shift + F7
Next Set of Records Shift + F8
Previous Field Shift + Tab
Previous Record Up Arrow Key
Previous Block Shift+PageUp
Scroll Down PageDown
Scroll Up PageUp
Up Up Arrow Key
Down Down Arrow Key
Print Ctrl + P
Exit F4
Help Ctrl + H
Block Menu Ctrl + B
Display Error Shift + Ctrl + E

iRecruitment – Interview Important Questions and Answers

Q1. External Candidate Cannot Insert Address while registering
Did you follow note 145837.1 to install the legislative data?
1. Please check if you have a structure called PK_GLB. If you do, please add your segments to this structure and use it for your test.
2. If you don’t have a structure called PK_GLB, then please create this and add your
segments to the structure.
3. You then need to add the PK_GLB structure to your personalization in following format:

PK_GLB|Address Line 1|Address Line 2|Postal Code|City|Region

Add the Country at the end in the following format:


Q2. How to place iRecruitment External site visitor.jsp page to company website?
In the company’s website, the link(say career) must be pointing to IrcVisitor.jsp. it just
like any other link.
You can just place a Link, its just as palcing a simple HTML Link which will be redirected to access IrcVisitor.jsp.

Internal candidates can anyways login to the aplication and apply for jobs. They only need to access IrcEmpVisitor.jsp if they need to access from outside application.

Yes, the two links are supposed to be created because their purpose and jsp page is different.

Q3. Vacancies Approved are not searched at Employee/External Site Visitor.
1. Go into the responsibility: iRecruitment HRMS Manager

2. Navigate to Processes and Reports – Submit Processes and Reports

3. Schedule the iRecruitment Index Synchronization process to run as follows:

• Online index rebuild – to run every 5 minutes

Note: If the online synchronization process starts before the
previous one has completed, then the process will display
an error. Ensure that you set it to run 5 minutes after
completion, and not the start.

• Full index rebuild – to run each night

Q4. Wants to set time limit to purge
Oracle iRecruitment provides the iRecruitment Purge Old Data process to remove the candidate and applicant data
from the database. This process helps you meet any Data Protection statutory
requirements in your country. You can select any deletion method from the
various options and identify time criteria for deleting the inactive

Please note that the purge options and activity criteria except Application Date, will consider data of users whose person record is shown as iRecruitment Registered User in the Person Type Usage window. The Application Date criterion limits the purge only to ex-applicants associated with iRecruitment Registered User person type and who have not applied for any job within the specific period. The purge process does not delete any data if the person record is associated with any other person types.Candidate Records

1.Please note that the purge options and activity criteria except Application Date, will
consider data of users whose person record is shown as iRecruitment Registered
User in the Person Type Usage window. (what you mean it, its not clear)
iRecruitment registered user is an external candidate who has registered to irecruitment site. Person type usage screen is available in People > Enter and
Maintain > Others > Person tpye usage.

This statement means it will consider register candidates of irecruitment.

2. The Application Date criterion limits the purge only to ex-applicants associated with iRecruitment Registered User
person type and who have not applied for any job within the specific period.
(what you mean it, its not clear)
There are various activity criteria options. This determines the records on which the application will perform the defined
purge type.
• Application Date: You select this option to remove data of ex-applicants who have not applied for any job in the specified period.
• Login Date: You select this option to remove data of users who have not logged into
the application in the specified period.
• Update Date: You select this option to remove data of users who have not updated their account in the specified

All this information you can find in implementation guide.

3. The purge process does not delete any data if the person record is associated with
any other person types. ( that means applicant if hired than his person type
will change from employee.excandidate or employee.exapplicant. These data will
definitely be maintained in the system. What about applicants application
terminated changes to exapplicant. I think these data will be maintained
regardless of the iRecruitment purge process. Please acknowledge).
If the person is hired then this process will not consider it. I believe ex-applicants
data will be considered.
Q5. In iRecruitment, LOV required for Applicant Rating
According to Metalink ‘Note 734465.1 – Is it Possible to Configure the LOV for ‘Rating?”, it is not possible to do this.

The valid values for the field are 1 to 100 and this has been hard coded in the
Q6. How does one get PK_GLB address type installed for use in iRecruitment?
HRGLOBAL and data install are used to install legislative data. Follow note 145837.1 to install the legislative data. Note: 145837.1 – Latest HRMS (HR Global) Legislative Data Patch available. Installed the legislative seed data. The seeded address types are delivered in hrglobal, the Legislative Data Patch.

Q7. What is the functionality of Qualify in the iRecruitment? When we choose the parameter of
Qualify either ‘No’ or ‘Yes’, it doesnot display any result
This field is used to mark an applicant qualified or not. It is just a field like
applicant rating/ranking present in the page.
It just provides additional info for the recruiter/managers to manage applicant record. apart from that it
doesn’t have any other implication.
This field will appear on candidate page only whn applicant tracking is enabled for a

How to Register/Delete Procedure in User Hook

1)     Create API Hook Call (Register Procedure in User Hook)

  • Package Name: hr_api_hook_call_api.create_api_hook_call


l_api_hook_call_id      number;

l_object_version_number number;



 (p_validate                                         => false,

  p_effective_date                             => to_date(’01-JAN-1950,’DD-MON-YYYY’),

  p_api_hook_id                                   => 63,

  p_api_hook_call_type                    => ‘PP’,

  p_sequence                                       => 3000,

  p_enabled_flag                                => ‘Y’,

  p_call_package                                => ‘SCOOP_NATIONALITY_CHECK’,

  p_call_procedure                           => ‘POLISH_NAME_CHECK’,

  p_api_hook_call_id                         => l_api_hook_call_id,

  p_object_version_number         => l_object_version_number);


  1. The hook mechanism only supports calls to package procedures currently so api_hook_call_type must be PP.
  1. Sequence numbers > 2000 are recommended, as sequences < than 2000 are reserved for Oracle seeded logic which needs to be processed first. Please note that you can add any number of hooks to the same API, and order them using the sequence.

2)     Delete  API Hook Call (Delete Registered Procedure in User Hook)

  • Package Name: hr_api_hook_call_api.delete_api_hook_call


l_api_hook_call_id      number := 2;

l_object_version_number number := 3;



 (p_validate              => false,

  p_api_hook_call_id      => l_api_hook_call_id,

  p_object_version_number => l_object_version_number);



Demo on how to register Procedure in User Hook:


–Step 1 

select * from hr_api_modules where module_name  =’CREATE_PERSON_ABSENCE

— Step 2

select ahk.api_hook_id,ahk.api_hook_type,


        ahk.hook_procedure from hr_api_hooks ahk where

 api_module_id = 1731

— Step 3 — Get All registered Packages and Prcoedures

select * from hr_api_hook_calls  where api_hook_id = 3840 — After Proccess

— Step 3 – Complete Query

select ahk.api_hook_id,ahk.api_hook_type,



   from hr_api_hooks ahk,

        hr_api_modules ahm

 where ahm.module_name=’CREATE_PERSON_ABSENCE’ 

  and ahk.api_module_id=ahm.api_module_id

— How to Register Procedure to user Hook


l_api_hook_call_id      number;

l_object_version_number number;



 (p_validate              => false,

  p_effective_date        => to_date(’01-JAN-1950′,’DD-MON-YYYY’),

  p_api_hook_id           => 3840 ,– API HOOK ID

  p_api_hook_call_type    => ‘PP’,

  p_sequence              => 3200,– SEQ NO

  p_enabled_flag          => ‘Y’,

  p_call_package          => ‘DAFZHR_USERHOOK_PKG’, — Package Name

  p_call_procedure        => ‘Create_Person_Absence_a’, — Procedure Name

  p_api_hook_call_id      => l_api_hook_call_id,

  p_object_version_number => l_object_version_number);

   dbms_output.put_line(‘Procedure Successfully Registered’);


  when others then



— Run the Pre Processor —-



    hr_api_user_hooks_utility.create_hooks_one_module(1740); — Module ID

     dbms_output.put_line(‘Pre-Preocessor Run Successfully’);


      when others then






 Important Base tables for ORACLE HRMS r12

 Some of the very important base tables in HRMS are as follows:
1. per_all_people_f
This table will provide us the very basic information about the employee. The very data from the first screen we see when we open the ‘People -> Enter and Maintain’ form goes into this table. 

2. per_all_assignments_f
This table will store all the information which is been entered in the employee assignment form. 

3. per_addresses
This table will store all the information which is been entered in the employee address form. 

4. per_pay_proposals
This table will store all the information which is been entered in the employee salary form. 

5. per_person_types_tl
This table is used to find the type of the employee. This table is linked with the per_all_people_f with the person_type_id to find out the type of person.

6. per_jobs_tl
This table will contain the various types of JOBS in oracle. This table is been linked with the per_all_assignments_f table to retrieve the correct job name from the employee.

7. per_grades_tl
This table will contain the various types of GRADES in oracle. This table is been linked with the per_all_assignments_f table to retrieve the correct grade name from the employee.

8. hr_locations_all
This table will contain the various LOCATIONS in oracle. This table is been linked with the per_all_assignments_f table to retrieve the correct location name from the employee.

9. pay_all_payrolls_f
This table will contain the various types of PAYROLLS in oracle. This table is been linked with the per_all_assignments_f table to retrieve the correct payroll name from the employee.

10. per_pay_bases
This table will contain the various types of PAY BASES in oracle. This table is been linked with the per_all_assignments_f table to retrieve the correct pay basis name from the employee.

11. per_assignment_status_types_tl
This table will contain the various types of assignment types in oracle. The assignment types generally would be ‘Active Assignment’ etc.. This table is been linked with the per_all_assignments_f table to retrieve the correct job name from the employee.

12. per_person_type_usages_f
This table will store the correct person type of the particluar employee. We should never depend on the person type present in the per_all_people_f table. Instead we need to link the person_id with this table and get the correct person type.

Regards, Muzzamil Khan

Sr. Oracle HCM Consultant

Oracle Payroll Costing Concept

To understand Payroll Costing concept, I would first discuss the Costing Allocation Key Flex field, during the business group definition it is being created and map with Cost Allocation KFF with following segments normally

• Company
• Cost Centre
• Natural Account

During the configuration of Cost Allocation KFF the most important concept is to set the Flex Field Qualifiers at each segment level, we have the five levels available for each segment i.e.

• Payroll
• Balancing
• Organization
• Element Link
• Assignment
• Element Entry

For the Company segment following setting can be applied

Payroll Checked
Balancing Checked

This setting will explain that the Company Account will be input at Payroll level (debit information) and balancing information will goes into credit information and on every segment level it is mandatory to define Balancing.

For the Cost Centre segment, I can set the following setting

Payroll Checked
Organization checked
Balancing checked

This setting will explain that the Cost Centre Account information will be input at Payroll and Organization level (debit information) and balancing information will goes into credit information and on every segment level it is mandatory to define Balancing.

For the Natural Account segment, I can choose the following setting

Element Link Checked
Assignment Checked
Element Entry Checked
Balancing Checked

This setting will explain that the Natural Account information will be input at following levels

Element Link
Element Entry

Element Link, Assignment, Element Entry level information will directly hit the debit account and balancing information will goes into credit Account and on every segment level it is mandatory to define Balancing.

After this step we map Cost Allocation KFF Segments with GL Flex field Segments

In Oracle payroll, Costing information can be input at five levels

• Payroll
• Organization
• Element Link
• Assignment
• Element Entry

Now based on the above configuration, the following codes will be define at Payroll level

Company 01
Cost Centre 000

For example if Business Group has four Departments i.e. Finance, HR, IT, Operations then on every organization the following information will be define at the Organization level

Finance Cost Centre 001
HR Cost Centre 002
IT Cost Centre 003
Operations Cost Centre 004

Note: Here the Cost Centre information will override with information available on Payroll Level

Payroll Level 000
Finance Org Level 001

So the system will pick the value of 001 instead of 000.

Finally following information need to define at every Element Link level, for example if Business Group has only three elements links then Natural Account need to define at every link

Basic Salary 2345
Housing Allowance 2346
Transport Allowance 2347

For Assignment and Element Entry levels, the Natural Accounts codes will not be defined at these levels , but if need to override the link level information then the Natural Account can be enter at assignment or Entry Level. Following the is Override information, if we defined all segment on every level then

The following Entry will be hit to GL

Debit 04.003.2222
Credit 01.000.6766

Because Element Entry Level will override all the above mention levels but this is only for example, if we see this table in our scenario then the value will be shown like this

In this case the following Entry will hit to GL accounts

Debit 01.001.2222
Credit 01.000.6766

Now based on the above configuration the Cost Breakdown report will be shown like this

Cost Summary Breakdown Report– Cost Centre wide

Cost Centre Code Cost Centre Amount
001 Finance xxxx
002 HR xxxx
003 IT xxxx
004 Operation xxxx
Total xxxx.xx

Cost Breakdown Report– Element wide.


Muzzamil Khan ( Team Lead HRMS)